How academics can use ScrollStack to expand their reach
12 Feb, 2021
Portrait of Marie Curie
On the web, memes outrun rigorous analyses and writing every day. Yet the success of projects like The Conversation ("Academic rigor, journalistic flair") shows that there is an audience looking for in-depth works and expertise.
We are determined to make it easy for academics and experts to reach this audience on their own terms. On ScrollStack your posts are likely to be seen by some of the most curious readers on our partner sites like, which reaches a monthly audience of more than 10 MM readers.
Here, in the tradition of the web, is a list of reasons why you should consider us.
1. Create your own website in minutes: No technical knowledge or integration required. You get a subdomain - for yourself or your book or the theme of your project. Here is an example - the popular writings of Kaushik Basu (Professor of Economics and Carl Marks Professor of International Studies at Cornell University)
2. Add audio, video, or your research papers to the post. Unlike other blogging tools or newsletters, we offer far more powerful features for creating rich posts. You can add audio podcasts or video lectures or research papers and even books.
3. Rich formatting that does justice to your work: Besides all the standard conventions of text you can embed almost any element from the open web (Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, the list is long). You can even add footnotes1! Here are the basics of posting and more on our blog:
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